
Step by Step guide to our process. For more information pleasecontact us discuss your upcoming project.

A GRACEPOOLS representative will meet with you onsite to discuss your vision and guide you through the design process and site suitability for your pool. Following this, you will be sent a design proposal. Once you are happy with the final design, we will consult with our engineer and plumber, and your final drawings will be completed. We will then guide you through obtaining any necessary permits.

Once plans have been approved and necessary permits are in place, we can commence the ground works, staking the edge of your new pool and excavation works commencing. Seeing your pool physically come to life is always an exciting time on site.

Steel framework is erected, drainage and pre-plumbing works are installed.

Concrete is sprayed to form the base shell of the pool, then left to cure before your chosen finish is applied.

Your pool is then tiled or rendered (depending on your finish selection) and the final plumbing fix is completed.

The exterior surface of the pool (coping, decking, tiling) is installed, along with your compliant pool fence and any selected landscaping. Certification can now occur

After your pool has been filled and you have received instructions on general maintenance and care, it is time to take the plunge and start enjoying your pool.

What size and depth can my pool be?

The main advantage of concrete pools is their ability to be tailored to meet your specific requirements and optimise your individual site. Our pool designs can accommodate nearly any size, depth and layout you desire

Is a pool fence required in Victoria?

Yes. All swimming pools and spas capable ofcontaining water to a depth greater than 300 mm (30 cm) must have a compliant safety barrier to restrict access to the pool area by young children (under the age of five). More information on these requirements can be found here:

What should be considered for maintenance and cleaning?

Various options are available to maintain the cleanliness of your pool or spa, depending on your specific needs and usage. It is essential to keep your water clean, clear, reduce bacteria growth, and balance pH levels for a healthy and safe swimming experience throughout the year. Understanding the diverse range of chemicals and cleaning methods is crucial in ensuring the optimal condition of your pool. Choose from chlorine, minerals, salt, ultrasonic, and hybrid solutions; as well as self-cleaning, robotic, or traditional cleaning systems. We will discuss these options with you at the planning stage of your project.

What is the timeframe for a pool or spa project?

One of the frequently asked questions at GRACEPOOLS pertains to project timelines. The duration of each project varies based on numerous factors. Since all our pool projects are tailored to fit your specific property and requirements, there is no standard timeframe for completion. Many clients coordinate pool construction with home renovations, landscaping enhancements, or sports court installations. To determine the timeline for your project, we recommend reaching out to our team to discuss your individual project.

What pool heating options are there?

Each year, advancements in technology offer cost-effective and environmentally conscious heating options for pools and spas. At GRACEPOOLS we remain current on the latest innovations and their benefits. Our comprehensive approach includes discussions at the initial design stage and looks at pool size, placement within your site, how you intend to use your pool, and ongoing maintenance requirements. Trust us to guide you through the process, ensuring that your pool or spa is equipped with the most efficient and sustainable heating solutions available.